Friday, May 31, 2013

Stupid Things Americans Say about Africa or This is Another Quote List

  • “Tanzania... that's near Australia, right?”
  • “How is Africa?”
  • “You live in Africa, so you must speak Africaans.”
  • “How is Tazmania?”
  • "Have you seen any Tazmanian Devils over there?"

Things That Make Babies in TZ So Cute or Have I Mentioned How Freaking Cute Babies Are Here?

(Babies are anyone younger than a teenager, BTW) 

  • all have shaved heads

  • girls wear beanies with pointed tops, so they look like elves

  • little kids help littler kids like tiny parents

  • they carry plastic plates to eat lunch at school

  • tiny school uniforms

  • little girls wearing abrella, the veils that encompass the entire body

  • they wear tiny shoes made from tires

  • kids with plastic cups tied to their belts to take to school

All the Things I Have Considered Doing Post PC or So Many Options

1. join a traveling circus and travel across Europe
2. be a bread baker
3. be a Somalian pirate
4. be a chocolatier in USA
5. be a chocolatier in Madagascar
6. extend in PCTZ
7. do PC Response in a different country
8. be an EMT
9. do a post bac to prepare for medical school
10. do an MPH in USA
11. do an MPH in Europe
12. train to be a midwife